Tallaght Regional Hospital

57,000 sq. m regional general hospital

RKD is responsible for the design and masterplanning of the Adelaide and Meath Hospital incorporating the National Children’s Hospital (AMNCH), otherwise known as Tallaght Regional Hospital (www.amnch.ie).

RKD won the Irish Department of Health competition for a programme of work that has spanned two decades. RKD’s expertise in designing hospital buildings meant that the practice had the knowledge, skills and experience to respond to the rapidly changing needs of the healthcare sector. This project remains the largest single build new hospital project in Ireland.

The site was originally located in the middle of the countryside and the design was based on assumptions on how the town centre of Tallaght would develop. However, in 2002, RKD Architects was commissioned to prepare a masterplan to reflect a changed environment and new town centre plans prepared by South Dublin County Council.

RKD was tasked with designing a site that could be developed over a period of fifteen years that would be an essential element of the new town centre.

The key features of the design are the seven-storey buildings at the front of the site. The buildings combine form with function and create urban enclosures that protect the local people from the strong winds that drive through this area.

RKD has recently been involved in a number of new developments on the hospital site including a new 200 bed private hospital and a new Women & Children’s Hospital providing full maternity service.


  • Dublin, Ireland


  • 57,000 sq. m


  • Ongoing


  • €400m