RKD has delivered a series of fit-outs and refurbishment projects that have enabled Primark to successfully expand European operations into Germany, where they currently employ more than 3,500 people.

We have completed fit-outs at Berlin SSC, Dortmund and Frankfurt Nord Zentrum and completed refurbishment and fit-out projects at Gelsenkirchen, Hanover and Essen.

The stores range in size with RKD handing over the largest store to date at Hanover. The store locations vary from previously vacant sites to live busy shopping centres. We are currently on site in Frankfurt Zeil, which is one of Europe’s busiest shopping streets and are about to commence another store in Berlin Alexanderplatz, the former centre of East Berlin.

Each of the retail environments displays striking visual features that promote Primark’s brand messages while offering highly functional and efficient sales and back-of-house space. Primark continues to evolve their design and brand, ensuring each project is fresh and unique, making each project an exciting and interesting challenge.

Tight construction timeframes ranging from 10 to 20 weeks were achieved by detailed upfront planning and coordination. Overall the entire process required a collective approach from the client, design team and contractors. All projects were delivered on time and within budget by ensuring that this process was maintained.

For further information on our Primark projects, browse our portfolio and visit our Primark project pages:
Primark Dortmund
Primark Frankfurt
Primark Berlin
Primark Gelsenkirchen
Primark Hanover
Primark Essen

rkd architects primark hanover