RKD has a history of delivering projects using Building Information Modelling (BIM) applications and processes, as a technology oriented design tool. BIM is leveraged at RKD to provide numerous benefits for clients including enhanced coordination, mitigation of on-site errors, and increased cost certainty. However, the RKD approach to BIM features much more than technical improvements to the design and construction process. We have termed RKD’s practice of Building Information Modelling is as socialBIM.

socialBIM is the target set by RKD to maximise the potential of BIM to deliver project stakeholder expectations. In our version of the BIM process, modelling is used to transform the communication lines between project partners. Through innovative information management techniques, RKD incorporate and communicate the aspects of projects that are important to building operations, capital investment departments, design and construction teams, and end users.

Facility requirements defined during early engagement with the building operations teams are incorporated into our design models and communicated through custom visualisations and schedules. RKD creates value for clients during the design and construction of a project by using BIM technology to facilitate an integrated and iterative method for designing out non-value adding cost, managing project specific construction challenges, and facilitating Lean construction practices. The true RKD socialBIM experience is reflected in the interaction between the BIM modelling process, developing and implementing end user project requirements. Testing adjacencies, space planning, and designing flexibility through BIM processes enables RKD to develop designs that meet client, end user, and project team expectations.

RKD socialBIM is a process and not just a product. We provide our clients with the potential to utilise the RKD socialBIM process as a tool to engage their buildings and seek out additional returns on their investment. socialBIM is a partnership between RKD and clients to achieve extraordinary results by using an extraordinary concept of project delivery.